
Webinar with Dr Suzanne Zeedyk

Kate Shelley
December 4, 2019
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Dr Suzanne Zeedyk

Research scientist, speaker, trainer, inspirer

16th December 2019


Webinar: Dr Suzanne Zeedyk “Children’s behaviour: Why curiosity is always more effective than control”

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We’re big fans of Suzanne. She’s a super inspiring speaker and extremely knowledgable research scientist – powerful combo and not a webinar to be missed!

Suzanne will talk about:

– The biological states that drive behaviour

– The reasons that relationships provide safety – as well as anxiety

– The Rupture-Repair Cycle

– Real-life stories from early years settings about how getting curious about behaviour solved staff struggles

– Why the language of ‘distressed behaviour’ is more effective than ‘challenging behaviour’

– Why our society seems so attached to notions of misbehaviour and punishment

If you want a bit more info about what exactly a webinar is then follow this link:

Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk is a research scientist fascinated by babies’ innate capacity to connect. Based at the University of Dundee (Scotland), within the School of Psychology since 1993. Her academic career began when she completed her PhD at Yale University, USA.

In 2011, Suzanne stepped away from a full-time academic post to establish an independent training enterprise. Its aim to help the public understand science discoveries about the importance of emotional connection for human health and happiness.
Over 40,000 people have attended her speaking events, and she reaches over 50,000 people a week on social media. She works internationally with organisations keen to think more deeply about fostering connection, compassion and resilience.

In 2014, Suzanne broadened her reach by founding the organization connected baby working to help parents and professionals use of the science of connection. Relationships matter – as much for human brains as for human hearts. Suzanne’s core aspiration continues to be strengthening awareness of the decisions we take about caring for our children — because those choices are integrally connected to our vision for the kind of society we wish to build.

Some of the highlights of Suzanne’s academic career include:
-Receiving the award for Most Inspirational Teacher in 2011 from the Dundee University Students Association
-Publication of over 50 research papers and chapters
-Serving as editor of the Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 1997-2003
-Publication of research report entitled ‘What’s life like in a baby buggy?” in 2008, commissioned by the National Literacy Trust, which drew the largest amount of press coverage ever handled to that date by the University Press Office
-Publication of the volume ‘The Implicit Relation of Psychology and Law: Women and Syndrome Evidence’ in 2000, with co-author Prof. Fiona Raitt
-Chairing the Psychology of Women Section within the British Psychological Society, 2004-2006
-Supervision of numerous PhD and Masters students, many of who have gone on to pursue their own academic careers
-Recipient of a US National Science Foundation Postgraduate Fellowship in 1990

Click the “Register here” link at the top of the page to join the webinar.

Why not do this now – you can’t register too early! If you need a little help joining, we’ve put together some notes to help you:

Here are some links to find out more about Suzanne.

Check out Suzanne’s website

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