Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

It’s super important that we keep research at the heart of our work.
Find information about past and present projects, our partners and advocates, and the community of experts who are working with us to support children and teachers globally.

Our Partners and Projects

We’re proud and lucky to work with so many incredible organisations. With their help, we are able to reach more children in the UK and worldwide!

Goldsmiths University of London

Dr Alice Jones Bartoli from the School and Family Studies unit is our lead nerd! Together with her team, they've helped us prove TTK's impact.

Greg Bottrill

A true advocate for play, Greg's imagination and passion for childhood, he is a Tales Toolkitter in his very soul.

Institute of Employment Studies (IES)

IES has been on two projects with us now - first with the OVO Foundation and more recently with the EEF.

DfE Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs

Helping us deliver a TTK pilot and reaching more disadvantaged settings.

Alistair Bryce-Clegg (ABC Does)

Former head, now an inspirational speaker and international early years consultant and longterm supporter of TTK.

ChangeX and the Lego Foundation

Thanks to the Community Play Fund, Tales Toolkit has been able to offer free packages to organisations in the UK, Ireland, Denmark and the USA.

The OVO Foundation

Funding to help create parent training through the When I Grow Up project, aimed to reduce the educational inequality gap in early years.

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)

Tales Toolkit is one of the promising Early Years education programmes taking part in a pilot study

The Mercers Company

Tales Toolkit have been awarded a grant under the Mercers’ Company’s Early Years Special Initiative, funded by the Charity of Sir Richard Whittington.

It looks like there aren't any projects with funds available right now :(

But if you join our mailing list, we'll be sure to ping you whenever new opportunities come up!

DfE Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs

Helping us deliver a TTK pilot and reaching more disadvantaged settings.

ChangeX and the Lego Foundation

Thanks to the Community Play Fund, Tales Toolkit has been able to offer free packages to organisations in the UK, Ireland, Denmark and the USA.

The OVO Foundation

Funding to help create parent training through the When I Grow Up project, aimed to reduce the educational inequality gap in early years.

Goldsmiths University of London

Dr Alice Jones Bartoli from the School and Family Studies unit is our lead nerd! Together with her team, they've helped us prove TTK's impact.

Institute of Employment Studies (IES)

IES has been on two projects with us now - first with the OVO Foundation and more recently with the EEF.

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)

Tales Toolkit is one of the promising Early Years education programmes taking part in a pilot study

The Mercers Company

Tales Toolkit have been awarded a grant under the Mercers’ Company’s Early Years Special Initiative, funded by the Charity of Sir Richard Whittington.

Greg Bottrill

A true advocate for play, Greg's imagination and passion for childhood, he is a Tales Toolkitter in his very soul.

Alistair Bryce-Clegg (ABC Does)

Former head, now an inspirational speaker and international early years consultant and longterm supporter of TTK.

How we use funding

Supporting settings to get the best for the children in their care

We can’t promise to wave a magic wand, but we do our best to hunt for useful funding resources and subsidies that help practitioners reach more children.

Our previous funded projects have allowed us to better support families during the COVID-19 pandemic and to reach settings in disadvantaged areas. We also use these projects to bolster our research portfolio, further evidencing the amazing impact Tales Toolkit can have on children.

We're always hunting for projects that will help us reach new demographics. At the moment, we're particularly keen to reach refugee camps, so get in touch if you can help us reach more children.