
Train your entire staff and boost attainment across EYFS with this joyful storytelling intervention

Tales Toolkit is popular in both state-maintained and independent nursery schools. A play-based intervention that impacts all areas of the EY framework.


Active Settings


Practitioners Trained

How Tales Toolkit works for


Tales Toolkit was designed by and for the early years. It not only positively impacts attainment across the early years framework, the TTK pacakge provides training for all practitioners, regardless of experience. Tales Toolkit's training is designed to be team-based and fun. This allows the Tales Toolkit approach to be easily embedded across the provision. You only need to buy one Tales Toolkit package to deliver setting-wide CPD that benefits the children in all key areas.

Why do


love Tales Toolkit?

  • Train up your entire team with one purchase - provide fundamentals to newcomers AND upskill experienced staff.
  • Champion the importance of play in early childhood education.
  • An inclusive approach, meeting every child at their level, regardless of their language level or background.
  • An evidence-based intervention.
  • Suitable for children with EAL and SEND.

Using Tales Toolkit in Nurseries: Empowering Early Literacy and Child-Led Learning

The formative years in a child's education are pivotal, shaping their cognitive, emotional, and social development. For nurseries, the challenge lies in creating an enriching environment that fosters these aspects while embedding foundational literacy skills. Tales Toolkit, an innovative educational resource, stands out as a comprehensive solution that combines training for staff with engaging classroom resources, ensuring a cohesive and effective implementation across nursery settings. This approach supports child-led learning and continuous provision, making it ideal for nurseries aiming to provide a dynamic and inclusive learning experience.

The Importance of Early Literacy

Early literacy is critical for children's development. Research shows that early exposure to language and storytelling significantly impacts children's vocabulary, comprehension, and cognitive abilities. According to the National Institute for Literacy, early literacy skills are strong predictors of later academic success and social-emotional development. Therefore, nurseries must adopt effective strategies to nurture these skills from a young age.

Tales Toolkit: Comprehensive Training and Resources

Tales Toolkit offers a unique combination of professional training and practical resources designed to empower nursery staff and enrich the learning environment. This dual approach ensures that all staff members, regardless of their experience level, can confidently use the toolkit to support children's literacy development.

Professional Training for All Staff

One of the standout features of Tales Toolkit is its inclusive training program. The training is designed to be accessible and beneficial for all staff members, from seasoned educators to new practitioners. This inclusivity ensures that every member of the nursery team can effectively contribute to the children's learning journey.

The training focuses on the principles of storytelling, the pedagogy of play, and practical strategies for integrating Tales Toolkit into daily activities. Staff members learn how to use the toolkit's resources to create engaging storytelling sessions, encourage children's participation, and support language development. The training also covers techniques for fostering a child-led approach, where children are encouraged to take the lead in creating and sharing their stories.

Practical Classroom Resources

Alongside comprehensive training, Tales Toolkit provides a range of practical resources that make storytelling accessible and fun for young children. These resources include story maps, character cards, setting cards, and various props, all designed to stimulate children's imagination and creativity.

The toolkit's resources are flexible and adaptable, allowing educators to tailor their use to the specific needs and interests of the children. This flexibility is particularly beneficial in a nursery setting, where children's developmental stages and preferences can vary widely. By providing a structured yet adaptable framework, Tales Toolkit supports differentiated instruction and ensures that every child can engage with storytelling at their own level.

Child-Led Learning and Continuous Provision

Tales Toolkit aligns perfectly with the principles of child-led learning and continuous provision, which are central to many nursery settings. These approaches emphasize the importance of giving children the freedom to explore, make choices, and take an active role in their learning.

Child-Led Learning

Child-led learning is based on the idea that children learn best when they are actively involved in their learning process. Tales Toolkit supports this approach by encouraging children to create and share their own stories. This empowers them to express their ideas, use their imagination, and take ownership of their learning.

Through storytelling, children can explore different themes, characters, and scenarios, developing their language and cognitive skills in a meaningful context. Educators act as facilitators, guiding and supporting the children while allowing them the freedom to lead the storytelling process. This approach not only enhances literacy skills but also fosters creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Continuous Provision

Continuous provision refers to the ongoing availability of resources and activities that support children's learning and development throughout the day. Tales Toolkit integrates seamlessly into this model, providing a consistent and engaging resource that children can access at any time.

The toolkit's resources can be used in various ways, from structured storytelling sessions to spontaneous play activities. This versatility ensures that children can engage with storytelling in different contexts, reinforcing their learning and allowing them to explore their interests. By embedding Tales Toolkit into the continuous provision, nurseries can create a rich and stimulating environment that supports literacy development throughout the day.

Benefits for Children and Educators

The implementation of Tales Toolkit in nurseries offers numerous benefits for both children and educators. For children, the toolkit provides a fun and engaging way to develop literacy skills, fostering a love of stories and language from an early age. The child-led approach encourages independence, confidence, and creativity, supporting holistic development.

For educators, Tales Toolkit offers a valuable resource that enhances their teaching practice. The comprehensive training equips them with the knowledge and skills to effectively use storytelling as a tool for literacy development. The practical resources make it easy to integrate storytelling into daily activities, providing a consistent and enjoyable learning experience for the children.


Tales Toolkit represents a powerful and innovative approach to early literacy development in nurseries. By combining comprehensive training with practical classroom resources, it ensures that all staff members can effectively support children's storytelling and language skills. The toolkit's alignment with child-led learning and continuous provision makes it an ideal resource for nurseries, providing a flexible and engaging way to nurture young children's literacy and overall development. As nurseries strive to create enriching and inclusive learning environments, Tales Toolkit offers a valuable solution that supports both educators and children in their educational journey.

All staff, new and experienced, have embraced Tales Toolkit with real enthusiasm and we are reaping the benefits!


Harry Roberts School

When the children see the Tales Toolkit symbols on the daily timetable, they can't wait for group time to arrive!

A really powerful approach to boosting communication and imaginative play.

Julian Grenier

Former Head, Sheringham Nursery