Tales Toolkit Makes an Impact

We’re proud to be an evidence-based language intervention that’s backed by published research. Find information on our research portfolio here and data from published work.


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Impressive Results

Goldsmiths’ University have been our trusted research partner for many years. In 2018, Dr Alice Jones Bartoli published the study ‘Using storytelling to promote literacy, communication and socio-emotional development in the early years”.

“children in schools using Tales Toolkit make more progress”

Dr. Alice Jones Bartoli

Director of School and Family Studies at Goldsmiths University

Professor of psychology, focusing on school behaviour and socio-emotional development.

Download Goldsmiths University Study

Read the full report, complete with fancy graphs and technical jargon.


Tales Toolkit has received many awards over the years as a testament to the impact it can have and the joy it can bring.

Improvement across EYFS and closing the gender literacy gap

Children using Tales Toolkit saw greater improvement compared to children in settings not using Tales Toolkit

The study also found that Tales Toolkit made a statistically significant difference  to the gender literacy gap, with boys’ writing catching up with the girls’. This finding got national recognition and was featured on Nursery World.

“The feedback from teachers was so positive and our analysis of the communication and literacy outcomes showed significant improvement.”

Helen Grimsditch

Early Years Consultant,
Stockport Council

“In a short time, children's confidence in speaking out, expressing their ideas, engaging in stories, increased for all children.”

Natalie Bannister

EYFS Lead, Oxfordshire Setting

“Ofsted have recognised improvement in EY provision in Oxfordshire, saying that children benefit from a very language-rich environment.”

Paula Lochrie

School Improvement Advisor,
Oxfordshire County Council