Alistair Bryce-Clegg (ABC Does)

Early Years Consultant and Inspirational Speaker

Former head, now an inspirational speaker and international early years consultant. Alistair is a longterm supporter of TTK.


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Who is Alistair Bryce-Clegg?

Following a decade teaching and headteaching in the north of England, Alistair began working as a consultant specialising in the early years. He officially left teaching in 2009 to establish ABC Does. He now works with practitioners and Local Authorities, runs conferences, and delivers keynotes nationally and internationally. Alistair has written for various publications and published over 20 books. He is passionate about inspiring children and equipping practitioners with the skills to help them reach their potential.

Why us? - Advocating for Tales Toolkit

Alistair met Kate back in 2015, when Tales Toolkit was still young (although it had been in development for several years before that). Alistair was struck by the potential of Tale Toolkit. Stories, he understood innately, hold power.

It is through story that we teach and learn and in story that the great wonders and mysteries of the real (and fantastical) world are captured. A resource that enables children to articulate the stories that matter to them in a way that can be shared and understood is definitely worth having. Tales Toolkit is such a resource, giving children a simple but highly effective means of exploring, creating and telling the stories that are important to them.
Alistair Bryce Clegg (ABC Does)

Almost 10 years on and Alistair still welcomes us at his conferences and always makes such to give us a special mention in his talks. He's also guested with us in 3 webinars, which can all be found in our members area.

These webinars are:

  • Early Writing and Other Things
  • Can you really learn through play?
  • Settling, Provision and More

We're so grateful for Alistair's continued support for all things Tales Toolkit.