
Super knowledgable pair – Helen Moylett and Nancy Stewart

Webinar from the people behind Every Child a Talker (ECAT)

January 30, 2019
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Helen Moylett and Nancy Stewart

Authors, consultants, speakers and all round experts

28th February 2019


“Thinking conversations and cognitive self-regulation”

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This is going to be a fantastic webinar. We’ve been huge fans of both Helen and Nancy for a long time and used lots of information from their books when developing our training. Having heard them both speak a number of times we know you’re in for a treat!

Both are professional trainers with Early Education and author of many books and publications including the ‘Development Matters’ document that most of you use on a daily basis.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to hear them both talking live together at our February webinar. Read on for a little more info about Helen and Nancy and for details on how to join in.

If you want a bit more info about what exactly a webinar is then follow this link:

What is a webinar?

Helen Moylett is an independent early years consultant and writer. She has been head-teacher of an early years centre as well as working in schools and as a university lecturer. She was a Birth to Three Matters national trainer and from 2004-2011 she worked for the National Strategies and was centrally involved in developing the Early Years Foundation Stage and other national guidance. Helen was national lead for the Every Child a Talker programme. She is a Vice President of Early Education and tutors on the M.A. and PGCE courses at the Centre for Research in Early Childhood in Birmingham.

Nancy is a skilled teacher, consultant and trainer with nationally recognised expertise. She has worked closely with Department for Education policy teams in implementing national programmes, and in drafting revisions to curriculum and assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage review. She has been central to developing national training materials on assessment and on pedagogy, particularly around the role of the adult in playful teaching and learning. In addition, early communication and language for thinking is a prime area of interest and expertise, along with children’s development as self-regulated learners.

Between them Nancy and Helen co-authored ‘Development Matters’ and many other publications.

Click the “Register here” link at the top of the page to join the webinar.

Why not do this now – you can’t register too early! If you need a little help joining, we’ve put together some notes to help you:

How to join a Tales Toolkit webinar

Click to find out more

about Helen and Nancy!

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