Tell us about your experience with Tales Toolkit
Calling customers of past and present!
We're gathering data to put together our first ever in-house Impact Report to help us better understand how well we're doing at achieving our goal. What's the goal? To help young childen get the best start to their education by supporting practitioners and teachers to deliver quality interactions through structured storytelling.
Tell us how you're finding the training and running story sessions.
Are we doing enough to support you as a team?
What resources are you finding most useful?
Take 15 minutes to tell us how you feel about us and we'll enter you into a raffle to win a year's free subscription
All your survey responses will remain anonymous (unless you decide to give us your name) and to show you how grateful we are for your time, we're holding a raffle to award one setting with a year of Tales Toolkit for free.
Terms and Conditions
- Your setting must be a current subscriber with Tales Toolkit or have been in the past.
- Your setting must have been using Tales Toolkit in the last year.
- You must fill in the impact survey to be eligible to enter the raffle. (you will be directed to enter the raffle upon submission).
- Only one person from a setting can fill in the survey and be added to the raffle.
Got 15 minutes to spare now? Fill in the Impact Survey.