
Dynamic Dr Kay Mathieson

Kate Shelley
October 30, 2018
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Dynamic Dr Kay Mathieson

Dr Kay Mathieson

Author and speaker specialising in children’s social, emotional and behavioural learning

11th December 2018


“Dynamic Dr Kay Mathieson discusses Super Hero Play”

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Yay! Dr Kay Mathieson is doing a Tales Toolkit webinar! We’ve been huge fans since first hearing her speak and her ethos is a perfect fit with the work we do.

Dr Kay is not only an author of many inspirational books but also a speaker with a passionate interest in providing the best interactions for children in the early years.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to hear Kay talking live at our December webinar. Read on for a little more info about Kay and for details on how to join in.

If you want a bit more info about what exactly a webinar is then follow this link:

What is a webinar?

Kay has worked in Early Years and primary settings since 1981. This has included supporting children with additional needs, especially behaviour, and their families. She led the Early Years Inclusion Team in a London Borough for 6 years, which involved supporting private, voluntary and independent sector settings to develop more inclusive practice. She has completed her PhD research into the development of social competence in young children at Sussex University.

Kay worked part time with the National Strategies as an Early Years Regional Adviser until 2011 when she became a Director of Linden Learning, an ethical educational training and consultancy business. She has a particular interest in exploring what life is like in our early years settings for two year olds and the way in which children with additional needs and their families are included effectively. .

This led to her recent book using case studies to explore the SEND Code of Practice (2014). As an independent trainer and consultant Kay works nationally with local authorities, academies and PVI/maintained settings across the sector to improve the quality of provision and understanding of each child’s experience

Click the “Register here” link at the top of the page to join the webinar.

Why not do this now – you can’t register too early! If you need a little help joining, we’ve put together some notes to help you:

How to join a Tales Toolkit webinar

To find out more about Kay –

Check out her website

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