
Greg Bottrill: The Art of Story Dreaming and Joy of Being Me

Rhys Bevan
May 19, 2021
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Upcoming Webinar:

Greg Bottrill

Early Years specialist and author
10 June 2021
Webinar: “The Art of Story Dreaming and Joy of Being Me”

We are so excited to welcome the wonderful Greg for a brilliant webinar!

A big personality (and an even bigger fan of Tales Toolkit) Greg is an experienced Early Years specialist who is passionate about the role of play in our education systems. He is committed to enabling children to be at the centre of their own development and learning.

Join childhood advocate, Greg Bottrill, author of the bestselling ‘Can I Go And Play Now?’ and ‘School and the Magic of Children’ as he shares his top tips for adventuring into childhood with all its creativity, curiosity and sense of possibility. In the session he’ll explore a range of ideas and games such as Stinky Sock, Story Dreaming, Plop!, Hairy Toe and Memory Messages. Greg believes that childhood is looking for simplicity, adventure and magic – come and step into a world where joy is waiting for you…

Don’t miss out! Read on for a little more info about Greg Bottrill and for details on how to join in.

If you want a bit more info about what exactly a webinar is then follow this link:

Greg is an Early Years specialist and author of the bestselling book ‘Can I Go And Play Now?’. He is passionate about childhood, the art of co-playing and the magic of children. His new book ‘School and the Magic of Children’ is out in April 2020 and explores how the how and why for the ‘echo of play’ to go up through school.


Click the “Register here” link at the top of the page to join the webinar.

Why not do this now – you can’t register too early! If you need a little help joining, we’ve put together some notes to help you:

Here are some links to find out more about Greg!

Check out Greg’s blog and his books available to buy

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