Graham Allcott
Entrepreneur, author, speaker and podcaster
2nd May 2019
“Productivity Ninja Graham Allcott helping teachers find work/life balance”

This month is a little different. We normally chat with Education experts but after hearing Graham speak at a conference in London I was keen for our Tales Toolkit family to hear more.
Time management is a huge issue for teachers in schools. Our founder Kate taught for many years in schools and knows the huge work load that teachers are struggling to manage. Graham has a few ideas to help.
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to hear Graham talking live at our webinar in May. Read on for a little more info about Graham and for details on how to join in.
If you want a bit more info about what exactly a webinar is then follow this link:
Graham Allcott is an entrepreneur, author, speaker and podcaster.
He is the author of three books, including the global best-seller “How to be a Productivity Ninja”, and “How to be a Study Ninja”.
Graham is the founder of Think Productive, one of the world’s leading providers of personal productivity training and consultancy, with offices in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and the Netherlands.
With a mission to revolutionise stuffy time management courses, Think Productive launched in April 2009 and has earned rave reviews from the likes of British Airways, The Cabinet Office, eBay, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Barclays Commercial Bank for its practical approach.
Graham hosts the popular business podcast, “Beyond Busy”, which explores the issues of productivity, work/life balance and how people define happiness in their lives, profiling interesting people from Olympic gold medallists to tech entrepreneurs to clowns.
Click the “Register here” link at the top of the page to join the webinar.
Why not do this now – you can’t register too early! If you need a little help joining, we’ve put together some notes to help you:
How to join a Tales Toolkit webinar