
Tapestry Online Learning Journal

Enthusiastic parent sharing through the setting's online parent portal.

Rhys Bevan
October 29, 2020
Read time
6 mins
Involving Caregivers
Scribed Stories

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Ruth Davison on Tapestry and the Amazing Megan and Theon Spencer

“During lockdown I shared the access to the family area on the Tales Toolkit site and also a document with parents telling them a little more about Tales Toolkit. We have been using it since last September. We asked our parents to post on Tapestry to tell us about what they had done and one of our parents in particular stood out as being extremely enthusiastic about using it with her child at home.”
Ruth Davison (South Normanton Nursery)

Ruth’s Tales Toolkit document:

With Megan’s permission, Theon’s story:

Thanks to Ruth, Megan and Theon!

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Further Reading
July 17, 2024
How To Use Canva with Tales Toolkit
July 11, 2024
Parent Training at Smithy Bridge Primary School
April 23, 2019
Involving Caregivers
Scribed Stories

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