
Further Reading


Georgie Matthews
July 17, 2024
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2 mins

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Here is a bank of research which is collected from all of the training sessions that we have on our main site.


Please go to the Training section to see additional resources in each Training Module.

Click on the links below to go to the research related to each training session (they will open in a new window):

Training Session 1

ARTICLE – Exploring ways of working to support children’s early communication and language more effectively [NEW]

VIDEO – Ken Robinson ‘Do schools kill creativity?’

VIDEO – Improving early childhood development with words

ARTICLE – Why parents should talk a lot to their young kids – and choose their words carefully

ARTICLE – The Early Catastrophe

ARTICLE – The creativity crisis and what you can do about it

ARTICLE – Don’t engage, elevate

Training Session 2

VIDEO – The storytelling animal: Jonathan Gottschall

ARTICLE – The Guardian – Parents told to write bedtime tales

ARTICLE – ABC Does Weapon Superhero Play policy

ARTICLE – Zero to Three – Storytelling in the First Three Years

ARTICLE – The Fostering Network – Building relationships through story [NEW]

Training Session 3

VIDEO – Subversive Teaching. Educators under cover: Alistair Bryce Clegg TED talk

ARTICLE – Telling and Retelling stories – Learning language and literacy: Rebecca T Isbell

ARTICLE – Storytelling and Maths: Sage Publications

ARTICLE – Supporting children’s development – Creative expression: NCAC

ARTICLE – Oral storytelling – Building community through dialogue, engagement and problem solving: Doriet Berkowitz

ARTICLE – Our world, our story: Michael Jones

ARTICLE – ECERs (The Environment Rating Scales)

ARTICLE – Using Storytelling to improve Literacy learning [NEW]

Training Session 4

ARTICLE – The National Strategies | Early Years: Gateway to writing – The crucial role of the Early Years practitioner

ARTICLE – UKLA | Storytelling: the missing link in story writing

ARTICLE – Symbolic Play and Emergent Literacy: Sandra J Stone and William Stone

ARTICLE – Early Mark making: Alistair Bryce-Clegg

ARTICLE – Oxfordshire Boys’ Writing Project Report

ARTICLE – Language and Mark Making: Michael Jones

Training Session 5

BLOGSPOT – Julian Grenier – Early Years Assessment: how can we think less about levels and more about #LearningFirst?

BLOGSPOT – Julian Grenier – TeachFirst 2015 Early Years Conference: Achieving Success in your Ofsted Early Years Inspection

ARTICLE – Croner-i: Making peer observations work

ARTICLE – The effects of storytelling and story reading on the oral language complexity and Story comprehension of young children

ARTICLE – Linda Fredericks: Developing Literacy skills through storytelling

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