
Tales Toolkit Team Member

Meet Rhys, the story guru who runs the operations side of Tales Toolkit. Rhys is always on the lookout for new opportunities and partnerships for Tales Toolkit, writing funding bids and seeking wonderful new institutions to join the fun. 

Rhys came in as Kate’s ‘Deputy Boss of Everything’ in 2020 and was soon thrust into the limelight when Kate went on mat leave. Luckily, Rhys is no stranger to performing under pressure. Having trained as an actor, Rhys has juggled life on stage, screen and radio, and still pops up occasionally in the fictional town of Ambridge, where his alter-ego Toby is forever making trouble.

Rhys loves telling stories. This was the real reason he’d gone to drama school, he realised, to share in the connective, selfless, communal act of storytelling. Rhys discovered that he wanted to do two things: he wanted to work for a company that put storytelling at the forefront of their MO, and he wanted to write his own stories too. As of 2024, Rhys is about to complete his MA in Dramaturgy and Playwriting, and has helped countless young children tell their own stories through his work at Tales Toolkit. To say he’s chuffed would be an understatement!