
Tales Toolkit Team Member

Georgie Matthews

Meet Georgie, the brains and creative flair behind all the marketing and communications. Georgie strives to bring more passionate practitioners into the fold and ensures that the package continues to develop and provide more opportunities to storytellers hungry for more.

When she’s not wizarding away at her keyboard, Georgie loves to tell stories as a performer. Georgie is a professional actor and her favourite roles involve playing lots of different characters and creating space for empathy. Georgie is a sucker for silliness and believes that embracing joy through play is the real way to live.

Georgie was inspired to join the team at Tales Toolkit because she believes in the power of story to connect and inspire people of any age and background. It is an honour to be a part of a movement that seeks to give future generations the skills that will allow children to become adults that can advocate for themselves and find connection.