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Using Wigs and Hats to create characters in Tales Toolkit stories

Katy Copeland, EYFS Coordinator, Cale Green Primary School
February 14, 2018
Creative Ideas

Written by Katy Copeland:

We love using props like wigs or hats in our Tales Toolkit stories – having something so visual really helps the children believe you are a totally different person.

When the children have experienced the adults taking on new roles in TTK stories by simply wearing a wig or a hat, it gives them the confidence to do the same. We’ve seen some amazing role playing in our setting, both within Tales Toolkit stories and in imaginative play generally just by providing a new hat, headscarf, bag etc.

We love watching the children’s faces when we pull out a prop like a wig or a hat from one of the Tales Toolkit bags. They know their teacher is going to be replaced by a whole new character!

At first the children were hesitant to ‘take on’ a character role themselves in Tales Toolkit but having seen the adults doing it has helped them build up the confidence to give it a go. A simple prop like a hat definitely supports that confidence. Pirates is a favourite at Smithy Bridge!

Adding a simple prop like a wig or a hat to the character, problem or solution bag gives the children so many opportunities to totally create that person for the story. It is so open ended. They can decide exactly who that person will be. What gender will they be? How old? What do they look like? What are they wearing? What do they enjoy doing? – it really supports the development of the children’s imagination, creativity and language skills. Then as soon as you put the prop on you ARE that person!!! ‘