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Whiteboard Stories

Rachel Lloyd, Alexandra CP Primary School
February 28, 2017
Mark Making
Creative Ideas
Provision Setup
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All of the children love our whole class big bag Tales Toolkit sessions, but to encourage and support their independent storytelling, I used the laminated symbols on a whiteboard in our Small World area. I also have baskets with the symbols on for the children to choose props to put in the big bags or the apron just to take to the whiteboard. I have found that using the symbols on baskets and on the whiteboard really helps them when retelling their story or recording as it prompts them to recall and remember which otherwise can put them off retelling their story.

I have also used picture cards in punch pockets with the Tales Toolkit symbols on the front of them. The children chose a card from each pocket and blu tacked them on to the board by the corresponding symbols then told their story. My class this year love the figures with suckers on the back. I have bought a few of the books with the these characters in them and we have some amazing mixed up stories with superheroes, trolls and Paw Patrol characters – their favourites at the moment!

Finally, I have found that using the whiteboard as a storyboard encourages even the most reluctant mark makers to record their stories, as it is big enough for large marks and chunky markers so all levels of mark making can be included. The fact that it rubs off easily is also an attraction as they can have a go as many times as they like.